Instructor Biography
Matt Garcia (retired)
Lieutenant Matthew Garcia (retired) had a 26-year career in law enforcement and mental health advocacy, before retiring from the Connecticut State Police in 2022. During his career, he has served as both a state trooper and local police officer. In addition, Lieutenant Garcia served in the State Police Volunteer Peer Support Program for 12 years. In 2021, Lieutenant Garcia spearheaded the coordination of Connecticut’s federal Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act grant, which resulted in the development of a statewide training module for peer support teams.
Lieutenant Garcia’s dedication to mental health advocacy has allowed him to share his insights on police stress and suicide at various conferences and he currently serves as the program manager for the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund’s Ambassador Program.
Explore More Training
Line Officers
Gain a deeper understanding of risk factors • Recognize warning signs in yourself and others • Explore strategies to promote wellness, mitigate stress, and treat unresolved issues
About TrainingUpcoming Training
2 In-Person Training 1 Virtual Training -
Set the example • Get engaged • Bridge the gap between your officers and available resources
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2 In-Person Training 1 Virtual Training -
Engage with other concerned law enforcement leaders in your area • Explore the full spectrum of potential organizational solutions • Consider ways to overcome barriers to help-seeking
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2 In-Person Training 1 Hybrid Training -
Explore the latest research in suicide risk factors and solutions • Learn techniques to educate and train your agency • Assist with program implementation
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2 In-Person Training 1 Hybrid Training -
Online Training
Learn more about the root causes of suicide • Discuss the issues facing law enforcement in an informal environment • Interact and engage with fellow first responders, law enforcement staff members, and clinicians
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