Instructor Biography

Jeff Thompson


Jeff Thompson, PhD, is an adjunct associate research scientist in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center and the New York State Psychiatric Institute. He retired recently after serving more than 20 years as a detective in the New York City, New York, Police Department, where he was the department’s first-ever mental health and wellness coordinator and previously a hostage negotiator. He conducts research and trainings on resilience, mental health, leadership, suicide pre/postvention, and crisis communication. Dr. Thompson is also an instructor at Lipscomb University in the College of Leadership and Public Service. His work has been published in research journals, books, and other publications such as Dr. Thompson received a doctor of philosophy on conflict resolution from Griffith University Law School in Brisbane, Australia. He received a master of science degree in negotiation and dispute resolutions from Creighton University School of Law in Omaha, Nebraska, and a bachelor of arts degree in communication from Manhattan College in Bronx, New York.

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    Gain a deeper understanding of risk factors • Recognize warning signs in yourself and others • Explore strategies to promote wellness, mitigate stress, and treat unresolved issues

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    Learn more about the root causes of suicide • Discuss the issues facing law enforcement in an informal environment • Interact and engage with fellow first responders, law enforcement staff members, and clinicians

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